Letting God Heal Your Heart

Letting God Heal Your Heart

Today I am writing about letting God heal your heart, how we can cooperate with God in the healing process. I want to start by telling you a little bit about myself. I did not grow up in a Christian home, but at the age of ten a friend invited me to go to Sunday school with her—they were having a contest March to Sunday School in March. My friend Vicky got points, and my life—and the life of my family—was changed forever. Out of that simple invitation, over the next two years everyone in my family surrendered their lives to Jesus—all that is except my father. He viewed our en mass conversion and went off to become a Christian Scientist. That is a story for another day . . .

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Longing for God

Longing for God

Last month I wrote about eradicating self-hatred, that pernicious problem that besets most everyone at some level, making it difficult for us to embrace our true identity. In that post I talked about the idea that only God knows who we truly are, because he is the one who made us and he alone knows who he made us to be. This month, I want to talk about the idea that we are made in the image of God, or imago dei in Latin . . .

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Who Am I? Eradicating Self-hatred

Who Am I? Eradicating Self-hatred

It may not seem like it matters much but knowing who you are is absolutely crucial to living the abundant life God has for you. Who gets to decide? You? Other people? I would argue that God is the only one who knows who you are. Amazing, isn’t it? He knows who you are because he created you. You are his favorite, his beloved, his chosen, the son or daughter of the king of kings. Here’s more: Jesus has liberated you from the law of sin and death (Romans 8:2, TPT). God has chosen you to be his very own, joined you to himself even before he laid the foundation of the universe! Because of his great love, he has ordained you, so that you would be seen as holy in his eyes with an unstained innocence (Ephesians 1:4, TPT). Let the words soak in.

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Restorative Justice

Restorative Justice

Dan Van Ness has been an international leader in restorative justice for more than 37 years. Although I’ve known Dan for many years and knew that he had played an important part in Rwanda’s recovery after the 1994 genocide, I did not understand what restorative justice was or how it might help us in our nation’s current struggles with racial injustice. But I wanted to learn more. Dan sent me his book, Restoring Justice: An Introduction to Restorative Justice, now in its fifth edition, which is used as a textbook all over the world. Then we spoke in July. Here is what I learned.

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Journey to Clarity

Journey to Clarity

Our world is full of woes. In this month’s blog I have sensed God nudging me to share a bit of my journey towards a clearer view of racism in our land. Decades ago I watched an interview with Billy Graham. Graham was asked, “What is the biggest problem in the world? His answer was “Racism.” At the time his answer startled me a bit. With all the problems in the world this was the biggest?

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Introducing Jubilee Economics

Introducing Jubilee Economics

Most of us are aware that there is dire poverty in many parts of the world, yet during our lifetime not much has changed, making it hard to imagine that it ever will. Some multi-national corporations today command more power than many countries. Businesses operate according to Milton Friedman’s financial model, proposed in 1970, which says that business has only one social responsibility: to increase shareholder profits. In 2017 Jay Jakub, a member of our community, and his boss, Bruno Roche penned a book called Completing Capitalism: Heal Business to Heal the World that presents an alternative to Friedman’s model . . .

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Sam is Healed from a Torn Tendon

Sam is Healed from a Torn Tendon

Perhaps 23 years ago, in a season when my two youngest children were often sick, my husband Sam tore a tendon in his right middle finger. It happened like this. He spilled a cup of coffee on the cream-colored carpet in our family room, then got a dish towel and started rubbing, trying to soak it up. He rubbed so hard that his middle finger caught. He felt a sharp pain and was astonished to see that something was wrong with the last joint of his middle finger. He could grab it with his other hand, straighten it and it would pop into place but when he made a fist and it curled, it remained curled when he opened his hand. We went to the doctor and they diagnosed torn tendon or ligaments.

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Seizing the Sabbath

Seizing the Sabbath

Sam and I have been Sabbath-keeping for at least 28 years. I know because we started when we lived in California. Although I do not remember what prompted us to begin. I know why we have continued. As we have practiced the Sabbath, we have become more and more aware of its beauty, and why Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for humans and not the other way around. Words fail me to describe how deeply Sabbath keeping has affected our lives. But let me try anyway . . .

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Leadership Development

Leadership Development

HCI has eight Leadership Development groups that each meet once a month. The purpose of the groups is two-fold. First, to create safe, wholesome community where leaders can bond with other leaders as they share the joys and sorrows of life. Secondly, to teach and practice the skills that are essential to healthy leaders. We are learning, maturing, and growing together. Our Leader team, a small team of us who lead Leadership Development groups, are in the process of creating a four year curriculum of leadership essentials. We will meet again the first weekend in January and covet your prayers.

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